The Digital Shift in Manufacturing 

Le secteur manufacturier est en constante évolution, et la transformation numérique joue un rôle essentiel dans ce changement. Les technologies présentes telles que l’automatisation, l’Internet des objets (IoT), l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et la réalité virtuelle (RV) transforment la façon dont les fabricants opèrent, créent de la valeur et interagissent avec leurs clients. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer ces différentes technologies de la transformation numérique dans le secteur manufacturier.

How to avoid replacing assets unnecessarily

Industry assets are at the heart of organizations’ production activities. The durability of both infrastructure and industrial assets (buildings, bridges, various networks, tanks, conveyors, crushers, lifting facilities, tailings ponds, etc.) is of paramount importance.

Managers must maintain the overall health of their asset inventory. Extending the life of assets allows to postpone direct investments in the most important ones. The financial pressure naturally decreases over time, thanks to the extension of their lifespan.

How does a mining company’s digital transformation contribute to better management of its assets?

The asset management stream of the mining sector’s digital transformation is well under way and very necessary. Whether we consider the issues of productivity, safety, the environment or competitiveness on global markets, several reasons motivate the search for sustainable asset lifecycle management solutions. Fortunately, the accessibility of modern technology performance tools now facilitates their adoption and the achievement of measurable and therefore useful results. This article provides an overview of what digitization represents in an effective asset durability management approach at a mining company.

Tank Farm Health Review

The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for a number of movements that have emerged in recent years, including responsible consumption, eco-design, and the circular economy. Looking to the future new reality, it’s clear that industry will increasingly focus on asset durability, with the strengthening of environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements being an integral part of sound asset management.