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News and blog posts

Collective Ingenuity

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Emergency Responses

Emergency responses

Jean-Pierre Blondin is Railway Manager at Norda Stelo. He has dedicated his career to transportation engineering infrastructures. We wanted to benefit from his 22 years of field experience to discuss a subject that is sensational, to say the least: emergency responses.

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Find the fault

In the world of asset integrity and reliability management, we may want to reduce operating costs, improve equipment durability and reliability, reduce the potential accident risks, or shed light on a design problem. How can we do this? We have to find the fault!

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Business Enquirer

Madagascar's Industrial Marvel

Lying just 300 miles off the eastern coastline of South Africa, the island republic of Madagascar is a hidden gem that is better known for its rich biodiversity and paradise beaches than for its industrial potential. 

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Digital Transformation

Successful Digital Transformation

According to a study published in the Harvard Business Review, 70% of digital transformation initiatives do not achieve the expected results. Companies that have gone through transformation know how difficult such an initiative can be.

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Oil and gas industry

What does the future hold for Canada’s oil and gas industry?

After fighting the Covid-19 pandemic for almost two years, Canadians have recently turned their attention back to the environment as their primary concern. While prior to the pandemic one in five Canadians considered the environmental issue to be their primary concern, today 17.1% are again of that opinion.

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What is the strategy for green hydrogen in Quebec?

The 42nd edition of the Québec Mines + Energy Conference organized by the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles du Québec (MERN) was held from the 23rd to the 25th of November 2021. Several sessions featured important players in the Quebec and international energy sector. On the agenda: energy transition, decarbonization, electrification, bioenergy and hydrogen.

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