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Collective Ingenuity

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Asset Durability

Asset Durability Management: Expertise at the Heart of Asset Management

Asset Durability Management (ADM) is a rapidly growing field of activity. Around the world, companies must balance their economic, social and environmental sustainability with the need to maintain and optimize their physical assets.

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Decision Making

Incorporating ESG into Major Project Decisions & Design in the Resource Sector

How does your company make its major capital project decisions, such as those with an installed cost of over $10M?

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Digital Shift in Manufacturing

The Digital Shift in Manufacturing

It’s 7:30 in the morning and I’m leaving home to drive my daughter to school. Although I know the route, I always use my GPS, not just to guide me, but especially for the gold mine of information the app provides: traffic, construction, accidents, estimated arrival time and even the route that minimizes gas consumption based on all these factors.

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Sustainable Transformation

Towards Sustainable Transformation of Canadian Industries: Mining, Metallurgy and Ports

In the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world’s governments pledged to slow global warming to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.

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Sustainable Transformation

The Right Tools for a Sustainable Transformation

Efforts to reduce the environmental footprint in the port, mining and metallurgy sectors have become imperative to ensure the sustainability of these crucial industries.

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Asset Durability

A strategic imperative: managing sustainability of infrastructures

Over the last fifty years, and particularly over the last two decades, cities and regions around the world have expanded rapidly. The construction and installation of numerous major infrastructures (airports, bridges, roads, ports, railway lines, etc.) has been an important part of this rapid expansion.

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