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Collective Ingenuity

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Extending the life of assets: a strategy for reducing the carbon footprint

Asset management has long relied on capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX) to ensure the satisfactory production capacity of a piece of equipment. While this accounting exercise remains an indispensable part of the equation, the life cycle of a physical asset is no longer simply an economic issue.

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This contemporary problem that threatens growth

It is seven o’clock in the morning, I leave for the office. On the way, I choose to make a small detour to get a coffee. I go in to order…but nothing seems to go right. A huge line separates me from the counter.

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The Role of Engineering in ESG: Engineering the Future

While some of us must begrudgingly admit we have been working on ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) in all its forms for longer than we want to admit, until recently seeing any real progress has been far too slow.

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Digital Transformation

Audit 4.0 complete? Time to get started!

In January 2024, Quebec announced that it had helped 10,000 manufacturing SMEs create a digital transformation plan through its “Offensive Transformation Numérique” (OTN) program.

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B Corp

Because the future depends on it

B Corp (B Corporation) certification is awarded to companies that meet strict standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.

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ESG: Commitment is Essential

In today's increasingly complex society, it has become critically important for an organization to engage in effective ways with growing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) responsibilities.

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